Who Pays Compensation to the Victims of Crime?

Important Update:
The information on this page was correct at the time of writing. However, as of November 18, 2024, the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) will be replaced by the new Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS). For the most up-to-date information about these changes and how they may affect you, please visit our dedicated FAS information page.


The Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) is the Victorian scheme that provides financial assistance to those affected by a violent crime. Acts of violence can cover a range of areas:

  • sexual assault
  • domestic violence
  • physical and psychological abuse
  • homicide.

Victims of crime compensation schemes are paid for any loss of wages or income. The scheme also covers medical expenses like hospital, ambulance, and dental costs.

All Australian states and territories have legislation in place, which ensures victims of crime are protected and compensated.

How Does it Work?

VOCAT takes the time to listen to your story and assess your eligibility requirements.

In Victoria, you will need to meet the eligibility criteria for victims of crime assistance:

  • the applicant is a victim of a violent crime
  • the applicant meets the requirements for being a ‘primary’, ‘secondary’ or ‘related’ victim
  • the applicant was injured as a result of the violent crime
  • the violent crime occurred within the specified time limits.

The amount of compensation will vary case by case. However, the average amount of financial assistance paid to a victim of crime is $7,700.

What is Covered?

The Victorian Government program covers a range of areas:

  • psychological help
  • safety related expenses
  • loss of earnings
  • loss or damage to clothing worn at the time
  • funeral costs.

Importantly, VOCAT does not compensate for lost or damaged property.

Claims can take years to finalise. However, much of this process will be handled by your solicitor.

There are a range of other funding sources across Victoria. For example, the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) can provide compensation if the crime took place on the road.

In addition, WorkCover offers support to victims of crimes that have taken place within the workplace.

Support is also available for people close to the victim of crime, including family members and dependents.

There are also allowances made to witnesses in victims of crime cases. For example, if you need to go to court, you may be eligible for witness expenses like lost wages travel or meal allowances.

Seek Professional Help

If you are a victim of a violent crime, we understand that it can be an unsettling time. There is support around you to help ensure a healthy return to life.

At Victims of Crime Compensation, we take the time to listen and understand your trauma.
We will do the heavy lifting to ensure you are correctly compensated through the proper legal avenues. The Victims of Crime Compensation team through RV Legal offers an empathetic approach to your legal affairs.

Our team will take the time to listen to your trauma and navigate the complex legal journey. We are proud to offer these services free of charge.

For more information, please contact us.

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